"Less plastic = More recyclability!!" Aluberg permanently produces aluminum lids for dairy market with only a premium level own produced heat-sealing lacquer, completely PVC-free, with the best raw material available on the market. If compared with dairy lids with greater plastic mass by using heat-sealing lacquer it means less CO2 footprint (less plastic) as it makes the yogurt lid completely recyclable!

Contact info

Field office Via Rebecchi, 1-2-3
24060 Bagnatica (BG) - Italy


Company datas PEC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cod. Fisc. + P.IVA + Reg. Imprese 13475690155
R.E.A. 1655259 Reg. Imprese MI
Capitale sociale 1.300.000


Contacts e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. +39 035 6665200
Fax. +39 035 680508